Arvind Upadhyay is the world's Best Business Coach and Strategist. He is author of several Business Books.

why entrepreneurship is important for you

why entrepreneurship is important for you

In the india there are the 1.5 billion people and everyone is the different from the other but do you know according to the arvind upadhyay business coach company or arvind coachings have find that the only 6% of the indians are the small entrepreneur and they are only entrepreneur and not others | 
Now the questions arise that why very little persentage of the people are the business man not more the Reason is non dedicated coaches and now and not a good guide But now with a large network of the Entrepreneur line a parent organization which is leading in the business ,billionaire lifestyle company 
Now we are the leader in the business and life coachings we have made a large network of offices and employees which are determine the Growth of the organization .We are also working with the First leadership which are the making leaders worldwide and making a exponential growth in the company .
Come to our point why entrepreneurship a Entrepreneur is a An entrepreneur is an individual who takes the risk to start their own business based on an idea they have or a product they have created while assuming most of the risks and reaping most of the rewards of the business.So a person who make a risk and specifically involving financial risk ,entrepreneurship help people to being wealthy, creating wealth .being and getting financial  freedom ,improve standard of the living and making related business model .

If there is more entrepreneurs out there there will be more jobs , more economic growths and more good on living standard .
Entrepreneur provides solution which making millions of people life more easier and more happier. that is the on of the gap in the market economy of the many developing countries like india and more .
The contribution of the entrepreneurship is the more contribute to the employment ,innovations ,competition and political stability surrounding the country and among people.
It is the national asset for any country and its create value ,wealth, and overall well-being .
Many people want to be their own boss and act to starting and running their own business and tendency wish to create their own venture IT is the example of the own person running their own business .

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